Welcome to the Monster Head Races! You have the chance to win this original 1955 "Faint Check" ticket from the Olympic Theatre in Cicero, Illinois. If you would like to win this rare ticket, all you need to do is pick the monster head you think will win the first ever Monster Head Race Tournament
The rules -
In the comments section, enter the name of the monster head that you think will win the tournament and be the grand prize winning monster head. If you do not have an account set up on Blogger you can still enter. When you make a comment it will post as anonymous, so be sure to mention your email address and first name.
Pick one of these monster heads - Mutant, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Wolfman, Frankenstein's Monster, The Mummy, Dracula, Mole Man or Zombie.

You must have your selection posted in the comments section no later than Monday Oct. 6th at 11:59 PM to be eligible.
Only one guess per person.
This contest is open to all ages and all countries.
All seven races have been video taped and no one knows the winner except for the Mayor, (hey that's me) and Vlad and we're not telling. The first race will air on Tuesday Oct. 7th.
If more than one person picks the winning monster head, then we'll throw all the names of the people with the winning monster head into a hat and pick a winner. If no one picks a winner, then we'll pick a winner out of a hat from everyone who entered the contest.
Here is the bracket -

For fun you can fill out the monster head bracket and try to guess all the winners. Of course you only need to guess the grand prize winner to win the ticket. The bracket part is just for fun.
Good luck!
Frankenstein's Monster!
Mole Man!
I'll have to pick the Wolfman - I've been watching some of his old movies lately.
I choose the Creature - he's my fav!
In honor of the Armada, I'll choose the Zombie!
I Choose you! ZOMBIE! GO!
The Zombie has this one in the bag, look at him.
Creature! Go, Creature, go!
Mutant shall be victorious!
I'm going to have to go with the creature.
1st heat, Creature takes the Mutant, Frankenstein takes the Wolfman, Mummy takes Dracula, and the Mole Man takes the Zombie.
2nd heat, it's Creature over the Mummy, and Frankenstein over the Mole Man.
Final round is a head to head grudge match, green vs. green. Frankenstein leads until the final turn when Creature comes up from behind (he's good at that you know), and takes it in the final stretch.
That's what my crystal ball told me, but then again it also told me that my bike was in the basement of the Alamo...
I'm gonna say The Mummy will wrap it up in the end.
I too must go with the Mummy
I vote Vlad...and if you were smart, you would vote Vlad too! Oh wait...my head is not in the race. CURSE YOU MAYOR! YOU WILL TASTE THE VENGEANCE OF VLAD!!! (Three out of four infidels who have tasted the vengeance of Vlad tell me it tastes not unlike a peanut butter and jelly sandwich).
I think Vlad can be bribed by some cool Krofft or Filmation stuff!
Wolfman....he's due.
Mutant, like the turtle, will slowly and surely win the race.
Drac seems to be the underdog here so I'm going with him. Besides, if there were a fix in this competition, I'm sure Vlad would side with a fellow vampire countryman.
So a stack of Haunted Treasure scratch cards on Drac!
my choice is Drac
The Creature!!!!
My personal favorite is Mutant, but this is no time for sentimentality!
Mole Man (which starred John Agar).
Jim Rash
Oh jeez, the pressure! I pick Drac
mole man...
Wolfman by a hair.
Zombie all the way!
The Mummy just because.
i'd have to go with mole man cuz he's mole man!! hehe
Zombie! Watch - He'll eat the others & be the only one left to cross the finish line.
The Mummy!
-->> .. Metaluna Mutant..
(( durr ~~**))
Mister Zombie for the win... mmmm brains!
My fav Metaluna Mutant
Wolfman. Solid.
Who's the undead from Hades who's a hit with all the ladies? Drac! Drac is the man.
This contest is closed. Thanks for picking a monster head and good luck! Be sure to check Weird Hollow to watch the races.
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