Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Ah, do you hear it? The moans and groans of ghosties and ghoulies welcoming you to the 2008 Halloween Countdown. Join Weird Hollow for an all month long Halloween street party. The zombies have dug up their guitars, the blob just finished making a killer punch and Dr. Frankenstein just brought to life a bevy of stitched-up go-go dancers.

This month will feature items and things that have bled over from Neato Coolville’s Halloween Countdown featuring monsters and weirdness of all kinds! Speaking of the weird, introducing KRYP-TV, broadcasting from a hidden crypt in the old haunted cemetery. Its the only station made by monsters for monsters.

KRYP-TV is on the air! Meet the infamous Vlad the impaler in his new show, "Ask Vlad".

ASK VLAD PROMO from Todd Franklin on Vimeo.

Stay tuned for more episodes on KRYP-TV!

Check back every day to see what’s haunting around the spookiest street in Neato Coolville!


  1. Wow! This "Ask Vlad" show looks great. Are we allowed to ask questions, too? Like, is it okay to reuse the skewers from a shish kabob, or should you throw them away and start with fresh ones each time?

  2. Is Vlad going to cruise around in his Corvette looking for young blood? If so, that needs to be the next episode. You could shoot it on the hood of the car. Tarentino would have nothing on you NC!!

  3. Oh, man, that's crazy! Too bad I can't see it from where I live. :(

  4. Vlad is "bloody" awesome! This is really great. I can't wait for the next installment! I'm going to get hooked on this. I can see people starting a Vlad fad of wearing fur and fangs. I'm going to get mine before there is a rush.....

  5. Hey Vlad,

    What's a good way to keep those pesky fleas out of your beard?


  6. Rozum, never waste a good skewer! As to anonymous asking how to keep fleas out of beard, I suggest scouring with lye soap. Of course it burns, burns, BURNS LIKE A THOUSAND FIERY SUNS FOCUSING THEIR FLAME UPON YOU,MAKING YOU CRY OUT IN AGONY FOR THE COLD, COLD DAMPNESS OF THE GRAVE AND DARKNESS!!! OH THE DARKNESS!!! THE DARKNESS!!! Then again you could try a flea powder. Or allow bats to pick it clean.
